Home / News / Gas Prices Creeping Closer to $5 a Gallon for Regular in San Diego

Gas Prices Creeping Closer to $5 a Gallon for Regular in San Diego

Nov 18, 2023Nov 18, 2023

The average price of a gallon of self-serve regular gasoline in San Diego County rose two-tenths of a cent Saturday to $4.937.

The average price is 1.5 cents more than one week ago, but one-tenth of a cent less than one month ago and 83 cents less than one year ago, according to figures from the AAA and Oil Price Information Service. It has dropped $1.498 since rising to a record $6.435 on Oct. 5.

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"When the cost of crude oil crosses the $80-a-barrel mark, that puts a lot of upward pressure on what we pay at the pump and as long as oil costs remain at the current level, drivers will likely see incremental price increases for now," said Andrew Gross, an AAA national public relations manager.

The national average price rose for the 18th consecutive day, increasing six-tenths of a cent to $3.668. It has risen 23.3 cents over the past 18 days, including 1.7 cents Friday. The national average price is 7.3 cents more than one week ago and 20.2 cents higher than one month ago, but 40.5 cents less the one year ago. It has dropped $1.348 since rising to a record $5.016 on June 14.

— City News Service

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